Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Exploring Italy's crime fiction: a night of literature and music in Hamburg

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Exploring Italy's crime fiction: a night of literature and music in Hamburg

Join us on October 30 at 7 PM at the Italian Cultural Institute, where Volker Albers, longtime cultural editor of the Hamburger Abendblatt and director of the Hamburger Krimifestival, will delve into the evolution of the Italian crime novel from the mid-20th century to today, highlighting the genre's growing social significance. The discussion will cover renowned authors such as Leonardo Sciascia, Antonio Manzini, Luca D’Andrea, Carlo Lucarelli, Massimo Carlotto, and Giancarlo De Cataldo. Actor Sebastian Dunkelberg will read excerpts from these authors’ novels, while tenor and pianist Hendrik Lücke will perform songs themed around love, death, and the mafia. Furthermore, on November 9, Giancarlo De Cataldo will be a special guest at the Italian evening of the Hamburger Krimifestival at Kampnagel. (9colonne)

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