Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Books, Alessandro Foti presents "Stay out! How the Bel Paese pushes young people to leave"

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Books, Alessandro Foti presents

In recent years, hundreds of thousands of young people, many of them with specific training, have left Italy with a one-way ticket. The Bel Paese lines up a series of negative records on the condition of young people, from employment to education, from NEETs (young people who neither study nor work) to wages and the crisis in universities and research. ‘Why do we have to pay a scientist when we make the best shoes in the world?’ a former Prime Minister even went so far as to say. Alessandro Foti's book ‘Stay out! Come il Bel Paese spinge i giovani ad andare via' (Edizioni Dedalo) with a preface by Riccardo Iacona and a testimony by Ilaria Capua. The book is a journey inside the phenomenon of the ‘evasion’ of young Italians abroad, the so-called ‘brain drain’, seen not as an irreparable drama, but as an alarm signal of deeper problems that undermine Italy at its foundations. Foti, a researcher in immunology at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin and author on international scientific journals, will be a guest on 13 February at the Mondolibro bookshop in Berlin at an event sponsored by the local Comites to present the book moderated by Francesco Padovani.

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