Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Mexico and geology: the dream of Laura Mori

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Mexico and geology: the dream of Laura Mori

(Mar. 26) - Eight years ago Laura Mori decided to leave her town, La Spezia, to study in Santiago de Querétaro, a city that is about two hundred kilometers far from Mexico City. And now, after sacrifices and hard choices, Laura teaches geology and does research in Mexico. "I studied Geology at the University of Pisa and I graduated with honors in 2003," tells the young teacher. "In 2004 I began my Ph.D. studies at the Centro de Geociencias of the niversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, headquartered in Querétaro, obtaining the doctorate in 2007. From 2008 to 2010 I made graduate studies at the Instituto de Geología of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, in Mexico City. From 2010 - the professor says - I work as a research associate at the Institute of Geology and as a professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico." Laura is happy for her work and her own path, "From 2004 to 2007 I lived in Querétaro, and now I live in Mexico City,". and she doesn't regret the choice she made: "My experience abroad has been and still is very positive because I was able to fulfill my professional dream and I saw all my efforts rewarded. Italy has stopped investing in culture for decades, that's why people like me, with a passion for research, were forced to leave the country to see their dreams come true." "Until this stalemate will continue - adds Professor Mori - and until the authorities will start to invest in culture, the only real opportunity for a growth, I see my return to Italy absolutely impossible." So Laura Mori, born in 1978, carried out her plans : "I was very lucky here because I met helpful and generous people who gave me much more than I could expect and they taught me a lot." Laura concludes with a little bit of nostalgia: "The hardest thing to accept is that I had made my life far from my family, from old friends, and places where I grew up." (Gil/Peg)

"The Italian university can play an important role in the international movement of talented young people, as the IMT model." This was the message of the Minister of Education, University and Research, Francesco Profumo, at the opening ceremony of the academic studies of the IMT. "I always looked at the opening of an international selection of teachers, researchers and students developed by IMT, as an example for the entire university system," added the Minister Profumo. "In a season of severe discipline of the public accounts, IMT has built an efficient administrative and management plant with an extremely low incidence of fixed costs and personnel. The example of the IMT also demonstrates how to build a virtuous relationship between public and private, due to the economic support of the Fondazione Lucchese per l'Alta Formazione e la Ricerca. "

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